Sea Offs is Pennsylvania-based dream folk band that serves as a meeting ground for songwriters Olivia Price and Rashmit Arora. The two joined forces to produce ethereal folk music that often lyrically discusses socio-political issues. Their debut-EP “See The Blind” came out a couple months ago.
Sweet folk-songs that makes your heart cry? We interviewed Sea Offs.
What is your all-time favorite song?
We don’t know if it’s our FAVORITE song of all time, but one we repeatedly go back to, no matter how long it’s been, is “Love More” by Sharon Van Etten. It’s extremely simple (only has a harmonium, guitars, and light percussion,) but the vocal runs are so emotional and they just send chills down your spine. The song takes you to another world. That’s the kind of music we idolize – music that makes you feel something powerful.
Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?
The Sons – Too Much of a Good Thing
This song is…the best? SO CATCHY and the instrumentation is so spot-on. It’s one to jam out to/rock out to/play 50 times in a row for sure.
To which song do you like to clean?
Courtney Barnett’s most recent album. It’s inspiring and energetic – exactly what you need when doing mundane chores.
What’s the perfect song to wake up with?
The Steelwells – This Dance is Out of Your Hands
There’s just something about this song that makes us happy.
What’s your favorite artist from your home city?
Rashmit and I live in separate cities right now, so we’re just going to choose a band that is within the Eastern Seaboard region. EASILY Pinegrove (Montclair, NJ.) Evan’s music has a natural energy to it and the band’s live performances are outstanding. There’s a beautiful, rustic grit to the songs, and the lyrics are true poetry.
Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated?
Gonna shamelessly plug our friends’ music here:
Underrated – Cape Ferrello (Montclair, NJ.) Extremely and unfortunately unknown, but if you like Matt Corby, you will LOVE Cam’s music. Beautiful voice; beautiful songs; humble man.
Overrated – Mountain Shallows (Brooklyn, NY) – he’s only just kind of alright.
(Totally kidding – he’s a friend of ours who we joke with. He’s actually a really great ethereal folk artist with soothing melodies and lovely lyrics.)
If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?
I suppose we would love to have the means to be like Daughter live. We both really love old-school Coldplay, so if we could also enter a time machine and go back in time and be them – circa 2003 – that would be a wonderful experience.
What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)
Beach House – Levitation
Really any of their songs – there’s a mysterious, sultry quality to all of them
What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?
“I’m lucky to be under this same sky that held the exhale from your first breath
like a ring on a pillow of clouds.” – Fatalist Palmistry by Why?
I like really bizarre lyrics, and, to me, this is the most delicate, sweet, unconventional way of expressing your love for someone.
At which place would you love to play a concert?
We’re still in the phase of playing living rooms and sweaty basements, so anything that has an actual stage would be cool haha. We’re not picky.