Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: Parkwave

Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: Parkwave

Foto 1Parkwave started in 2013 with four guys: Fernando (voice, guitar) Ilario (guitar) Mattia (drum) Raffo (bass) experienced in other bands, they released a single (Inside) and a promo (Blow In/Out) before their album. Their single ‘Wave’ features in the soundtrack of the independent movie The Antwerp Dolls directed by Jack Reid. ‘Frames’ (premiered by Impose) has been the first single taken by their debut album ‘Better Than This’ out Feb 26 via Bizarre Love Triangles (IT) and Friends Records (US).

What is your all-time favorite song?
(Ilario) Frames!


Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

(Raffo) Scar Tissue from Red Hot Chili Peppers, just because the videoclip is a kind of road trip on the route 66.

To which song do you like to clean?
(Ilario) Rather than a song, I listen to a specific kind of music: Soul. Cleaning becomes something introspective.

What’s your favorite artist from your home city? 
(Raffo) Al the Coordinator,a folk songwriter/musician; his songs make you feel at home, in front of the fireplace.

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

(Fernando) Currently I’m waking up with ‘Night Swimmers’ by Foals, it is very cool!

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

(Fernando) David Bowie ‘cause ‘we could be heroes just for one day’.


What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

(Fernando) ‘Climbing Up The Wall’ by Radiohead, a creepy lyrics, it makes me shiver every time I listen to it!

What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

At which place would you love to play a concert? 

(Mattia) No doubt: Glastonbury Festival!

glastonbury festival-2011

Find Parkwave here:

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