Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: Skies

SKIES - Light Tone Studios (2016) 2

Handpicking elements of rock, pop & emo in equal measure, SKIES first made their mark on the scene in late 2015. Produced by Oz Craggs (Mallory Knox/Neck Deep/Feed The Rhino), the release of their debut EP ‘If You Feel Like It’ saw the band pick up support across the board, from the likes of Punktastic, Already Heard & Clash, to Q, TMRW & Maximum Pop.

The turning point for the band arguably was ‘Drone’; a track released in 2016 that became an instant favourite at radio, with fans and bloggers alike. The single went on to garner significant BBC Radio 1 support from Huw Stephens and Phil Taggart, whilst becoming firm favourites with BBC Introducing in Kent. The band just released their new single ‘Hold On’. SKIES are Alie Cotter (vocals/guitar) & Jericho Tozer (drums/vocals/synths)

We like this amazing band from their simple begin, so we decided to ask them some questions. Alie Cotter answered them!

What is your all-time favorite song?

This has to be an impossible question to answer! Ha! I really don’t know if I could call any song my favorite of all time – but – I do love ‘You’ by The 1975, it’s just an incredible song, it just makes me feel like I’ve lived another life and I love it.

Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

‘Radar Detector’ by Darwin Deez – just reminds me of some of the first roadtrips me and Jericho ever took!

To which song do you like to clean?

I usually clean to my whole playlist on shuffle – but if I had to choose, I’d put on ‘That’s the Spirit’ by BMTH.

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

My phone is set to wake me up using ‘Dancing Song’ by Little Comets so guess it has to be that! Ha!

What’s your favorite artist from your home city?

Our friends are in a band called Fish Tank and they are amazing – great lyrics and great vibe!


Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated?

Oooh – hard questions! I think it’s hard to say who is overrated, though I do think some big bands can be. Underrated – I can’t think of just one, but I think alot of new bands are, it’s hard to breakthrough, new bands are like a drop in the ocean so we need websites like yours to help expose new bands, so thank you!

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

We’d be Twenty One Pilots… mainly so we knew how it felt to backflip and stuff! Ha!

What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

Ha ha!! No comment!! But I didn’t kind of write a song to ask a guy out and I think it helped!

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard? 

“Maybe I’ll see you in another life, if this one wasn’t enough” – Florence and the Machine
It’s just incredibly beautiful – it says so much about this life and the next life all in one line.

At which place would you love to play a concert?

Wembley – because it’s one of the most prestigous places to play in the UK, that’s the dream!


You can find Skies here: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Bandcamp / Website

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