Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: Me Nd Adam

Me Nd Adam

Me Nd Adam is the depraved result of a relationship between a self-loathing egotist and a boisterous, red-headed emotional wreck. After meeting in New Orleans and hating each other, Adam & Vince parted ways.

Unfortunately, there can be no despair without hope, no discord without union, no darkness without light. Thus, Adam & Vince came to realize they had no choice but to embrace their differences and craft the emotionally turbulent, electropop duo, Me Nd Adam. Now living the dream in a small apartment in Brooklyn, they’re sharing their hope-tinged despair with the world.

Me Nd Adam decided to adapt our questions and skip some, we didn’t mind and these are their answers!

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

I have a soft spot for Willie Nelson. Anytime of day. I think Vince pretty much listens exclusively to trap and country. But if you wanna wake him up, you have to play “Strutter” by KISS, works every time.

What’s your favorite artist from your home city?

Vince and I met in New Orleans. Some of our best friends have a band called Naughty Professor, they’re great. The Revivalists and Sexy Dex and the Fresh are based in new orleans too- I’d def give them all a listen. Musicianship is huge in new orleans and all those guys are great players.

Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated?

I’ve got a lot of friends that make some really cool stuff. Stuff i wish i wrote. Peter from 90 Pounds of Pete is a good friend of mine and that kid’s a genius.


What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

Hmm…I have a crush on Victoria Lagrand from Beach House, i’m not sure that answers the question, but if anyone reading this knows her maybe put in a good word for me, okay?

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

I don’t know about beautiful, but i always liked julian’s “flying overseas, no time to feel the breeze/ i took too many varieties” Seems like he was having a good time.

At which place would you love to play a concert?


You can find Me Nd Adam here: Site / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook

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