Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: American Wolves

Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: American Wolves

American Wolves

In an era when the boundaries between genres are being eroded to the point of irrelevance and both fans and bands alike are eschewing the need for restrictive labels, American Wolves represents a dynamic, euphoric and profoundly modern new breed. Splicing a buzzsaw guitar attack with an instinctive pop nous, the quartet are already making major waves in a scene that is often all too content to endlessly repeat the same old formula.

Formed around the nucleus of longtime Rhode Island friends Rod Pires (vocals / guitar) and Rob Lundy (bass), American Wolves’ coming together was as twenty-first century as their sound. “We found Nicole (Zell, guitar) and Tyler (Blinn, drums) through the internet,” laughs Lundy. “They are both amazing performers in their own right. Incredible musicians who matched mine and Rod’s enthusiasm from day one.”

That enthusiasm, as well the young quartet’s earworm-inducing melodic ability, has already reaped stunning results. Debut single “Part Of Me” is blessed with a truly stadium-rousing chorus that will have fans reaching for the replay button time and again while folding enough heart-on-sleeve emotion into the heady blend to set it above the saccharine masses. At the helm is frontman Pires with a soaring voice that is already marking the enigmatic, Sao Paolo-born singer out as a performer with bona fide star quality.

And so, despite being a box-fresh proposition, the foursome is setting their sights on conquering the biggest horizons they dare to dream of. These wolves don’t just want to briefly turn heads, but add to their growing pack by producing art of genuine vision and cultural worth.

In short then, American Wolves are finding their own way and do so with a continued commitment to treading that path on their own terms. “Even our name stems from the idea of being out there working on our own, away from conventions and trends,” finishes Lundy. “But for us, we feel like the sky is the limit.

The Sky Is The Limit?! We decided to ask the band some questions before they reach the sky. Tyler Blinn answered.

What is your all-time favorite song?

It’s so tough to pick just one all-time favorite song. I’d have to say Kings and Queens by Thirty Seconds To Mars is my all-time favorite song. I connected with the song while watching a Thirty Seconds To Mars documentary called Artifact. It’s now one of my all-time favorite documentaries.

Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

Days Go By by Keith Urban. It’s high-energy feel-good music that’s fun to sing ! I love to message of the song as well. It’s always a good reminder to me.

To which song do you like to clean?

Anything Ascend The Hill keeps me in a good focus. Great for cleaning in my experience 🙂

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

Art Of Motion by Andy McKee is great to wake up with in the morning because it’s really chill acoustic guitar with just enough groove to lift your spirit up and out of bed with a great start on the day.

At which place would you love to play a concert?

Red Rocks, Colorado.

I know it’ll be a powerful experience the day that happens. There’s always been something about the idea of headlining a sold out concert during sunset in the summer at one of the most beautiful outdoor music venues in the world.

Red Rocks Amphitheatre

What’s your favorite artist from your home city?

Farewell, My Love. They’re hard working skilled musicians who, truly, love and respect to their fans.

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

Yet another tough question. If I could be any artist for a day, I think I would choose to be Justin Bieber.


What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

I suppose if the love is good it doesn’t really matter which song is on haha I can think of a few though.

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

Incubus paints of wonderful picture of beauty in the song Wish You Were Here.

“I dig my toes into the sand

The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds

Strewn across a blue blanket

I lean against the wind

Pretend that I am weightless

And in this moment I am happy”

You can find American Wolves here:

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