Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: IV

Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: IV


IV are a young unsigned 5 piece Alternative Rock band hailing from London. Comprising of singer Victoria Sans rhythm guitarist Matt Nicholls, lead guitarist Ollie Fitch, bassist Polly Shields and drummer Austin Danson. Despite only being a band for 12 months, IV have already enjoyed headlining shows throughout the capital, and is looking forward to releasing new music soon and everything the coming year has to offer! The band recently released their single “Entropy”, a heavy banger.

We decided to ask the band our ten (not four) questions, Vicky (singer), Austin (drummer) and Ollie (guitarist) answered.

What is your all-time favorite song?

Vicky: “Life Is a Pigsty” – Morrissey. This song has dragged me from the abyss more times than I dare mention.

Austin: “Ruby My Dear” – Thelonious Monk. Monk was the first musician I fell in love with. This song is pure nostalgia for me– sounds like love and cozy rainy days at home.

Ollie: So hard to choose. Depends on mood. I could listen to “Albatross” from Fleetwood Mac for hours.

Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

Vicky: “Thunder Road” – Bruce Springsteen. It paints a picture as vivid as the chills it gives you…’Roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair’

Austin: “New Frontier” – Roddy Woomble. It feels like the sun setting over a freeway.

Ollie: Anything by the Eagles. or Thin Lizzy if you’re in a hurry.

To which song do you like to clean?

Vicky: Cleanliness truly is Godliness when watching Queen’s video for ‘I Want To Break Free’

Austin: “There’s Too Much Love” – Belle & Sebastian. Cleaning is made bearable by tiny-dancing.

Ollie: If i ever cleaned, probably something from Graham Coxon’s ‘The Golden D’ album, maybe ‘Leave Me Alone’. Anger makes cleaning go quicker

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

Vicky: “Lunchbox” – Marilyn Manson. Early mornings? School bullies? No difference. “Next Motherfucker gonna get my metal”.

Austin: “Which Will” – Nick Drake. That intro is the perfect mix of gentle and stimulating. Also, imagine his voice calling you out of bed….mmmmmmmmmmm

Ollie: Josh Rouse is a fantastic songwriter (until he married a Spaniard and got happy). ‘Invisible’ is like a firm but fair alarm clock.

What’s your favorite artist from your home city?

Austin: Santa Barbara? Sorry Katy Perry, I’ll have to pass.

Ollie: I’m originally from Canterbury, Kent. Apart from the early 70s prog scene im not too familiar with big names from my area. London is my adopted home so many to choose from. it would be a tough choice but The Faces would probably come out on top.

Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated? 

Vicky: Swiss Lips- under: Mancunian synth-weavers who could implore the shyest of souls to dance in public.

Over– Anything derivative, lack-lustre and without passion.

Austin: Under- Connan Mockasin. That man’s mind is another world! | Over- meh, if you genuinely like it, then fair enough. I do wish more people would look for new and different things though.

Ollie: My dad taught me not to talk down about other artists, rather to say that ’they dont do anything for me’. I could probably say Beyonce or Gaga et al are less than people think – their feminist statements seem pretty inconsistent.

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

Vicky: Dearly departed Prince. To have the creative freedom his expansive musical knowledge and talents would bestow me. And to be sex on legs.

Austin: Who wouldn’t want to be in Bowie’s mind? To be that comfortable and innovative in so many different styles…. uhg. But mostly the clothes and waist.

Ollie: Perhaps Ronnie Wood, or Peter Green – both for the reason of wanting to understand how they view and interpret the guitar.

What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

Vicky: “I Like Pretending” – IAMX “Your silver skin that crawls in rhythm, sweats like spring, returns me to the death wish”.

Austin: Closer – Nine Inch Nails. We’re just about to use it.

Ollie: Barry White is the king of lovemaking. Rolling Stones if you’ve had a few, or Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf et al for an authentic experience.

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

Vicky: David Bowie – Soul Love: “All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving” – Perhaps not the most beautiful, but one of the most gorgeously simple. I am forever drawn to concise declarations of despair.

Austin: The final bridge of under pressure. I always find it hard to keep it together at “this is our last dance”.

Ollie: A couple spring to mind. ‘I just wish that id never been born’ (Peter Green – Man of the World) – the crescendo at the end of the line hits hard every time.

also, not sure if the tune is written by Rod Stewart but from the tune ‘Jodie’ – ‘And I really, really, really, really don’t miss ya anyway, not anyway. And you know how I lie’. beautiful lyrics dont have ot be happy ones!

At which place would you love to play a concert?

Vicky: The Troubador in Los Angeles. Elton John played his first US show there in 1970. Poised for triumph I tried to sneak into a Brandon Flowers concert there when I was 15. Defeated, I returned with nothing but an embossed box of matches, which I keep tucked away to this day.


Austin: I’ve always dreamt of playing a huge festival under the northern lights

Ollie: Without a doubt the 12 Bar Club on London’s historic Denmark Street – the absolute epitomy of a tiny, sweaty club venue. A band of more than four cannot fit on the stage but must be amongst the crowd. Ever since seeing the Peckham Cowboys there on my 19th birthday – before overindulging in tequila and Red Stripe – I’ve wanted to play there. Unfortunately the club has been closed due to TFLs Crossrail building which is completely criminal. Rumours are around that the ancient forge that functioned as the stage is being excavated and sent to another venue – so possibly can still play upon the stage at least.

12 Bar Club

You van find IV here: Facebook / Instagram

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