Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir” – Selfoss


Selfoss is a 3-piece post-punk/synthpop band that is based in Toronto. They are all from different parts of the world – Reuven was born and raised in Canada, Rodi was born and raised in Albania, Lilian was born in Germany and raised in Italy, but they met on craigslist in Toronto because they shared the same musical influences. Their band name “Selfoss” is influenced by the waterfall in Iceland of the same name, it is big and powerful and yet gloomy and melancholic, just like their music often is. They have been playing and writing songs for two years now and just finally came out with their first EP “Time and Time Again”, which follows someone’s journey that starts with loneliness and mourning something that once was and never will be, then proceeds to grow as a person and start learning to love being independent, to eventually take a risk when meeting the right person, and looking forward to a joint happiness together with them.

We interviewed the multi international band.

What is your all-time favorite song?

“Machine Gun” by Slowdive because it’s a classic shoegaze song and a big influence for our band

Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

“Dramamine” by Modest Mouse, because it just has that vibe of a really long car ride.

To which song do you like to clean?

“Keep On Lying” by Tame Impala because I have a very special cleaning memory to this one and it’s easy to get so into the psychedelic outro and the cleaning at the same time

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

“Red Eyes” by The War On Drugs, because it’s the perfect mix of chill and upbeat and the rhythm pulls you out of bed easily

What’s your favorite artist from your home city?

Our home city is Toronto. Lilian’s favourite Toronto artist is TR/St, because Robert Alfons has an amazing voice and makes such beautiful dark songs, but Rodi and Reuven really like The Darcys.

Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated?

We think that bands like Funeral Advantage and Moon King are underrated, because they are great musicians and songwriters but don’t get much mainstream attention, whereas bands like Pearl Jam are overrated – it’s very subjective but we just don’t find their songs very enjoyable nor especially creative.

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

Rodi would love to be Oasis in 1996 because he is obsessed with them.

What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

Haha well what first came to mind was “Conjure Dreams” by Maceo Plex… Not sure if “making love” is an accurate description when it’s to that song haha, but yes I have used it.

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

Not sure if it’s the most beautiful one because it is a bit sad, but I always found the lyrics in “Baby Blue Sedan” by Modest Mouse to be very special and truthful… “And I miss you when you’re around/And I’m lonesome when you’re around/And I’m never lonesome when I’m by myself” Sometimes you have these expectations of someone or an idealization of them, and when you’re with them they disappoint you with the way they actually are, and you miss the idea you have of the person. You feel disappointed and lonely because that person doesn’t exist you and isn’t giving you what you need, whereas when you’re just by yourself, you won’t get any wrong expectations and no disappointment

At which place would you love to play a concert?

I think we would love to play Massey Hall in Toronto, because it’s a beautiful venue, and if you play there, you know you made it!


Find Selfoss here: Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp / Soundcloud

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