Vragen van "Den Beir"

Vragen van “Den Beir”: Opia


Opia is a collaboration between Jacob Reske and Cole Citrenbaum. Jacob’s background is in electronic production, sampling voices to create unique soundscapes. Cole is a guitarist and vocalist with roots in the blues. After meeting as Math and Physics majors at Yale, they formed Opia to merge their different backgrounds. They only released their debut-track five days ago and it’s now third on the Hype Machine and has almost 50k plays on SoundCloud.

Before they were that famous, they contacted us (what an honor), so we asked them some questions!

What is your all-time favorite song?

(Jacob) Wow, would it be super basic if I said Surf’s Up?

(Cole) Jacob, yes that makes you super basic. Ain’t No Sunshine – Bill Withers for me. Love the vibes, and the drummer in this video gets me every time:

Which song is perfect for a Road Trip?

(Jacob) Chris Bathgate – Salt Year. That is my standard-bearer. I’m kind of a fangirl of his. I’m actually going to his concert tonight in Boston and am debating how best to propose.

(Cole) Counting Crows and Matchbox 20. Whenever I went on a road trip as a kid, we had their CDs in our car.

To which song do you like to clean?

(Jacob) Nujabes – Modal Soul. Or maybe the Luv(sic) 5-part series. I swear those records can make me sober after anything. I wrote basically every paper senior year of college to those records.
(Cole) Jacob stop you don’t even clean.
(Jacob) U don’t surf you’ve never surfed.

What’s the perfect song to wake up with?

(Jacob) I’ve actually thought a bit about this. I feel like the perfect wake-up song is unassuming. This is kinda weird but Rhye – Open was my alarm for the longest time… like 2 years. I should change it back to that, come to think of it.

What’s your favorite artist from your home city? 

(Jacob) Cole, you should do this one too… my hometown is pretty tiny, and the music scene was basically whatever garage band shows my friends put on in our basements. But you should check out Dios Trio – High On Bikes if you like math rock. They were probably the best project to come out of my hometown. Yale’s scene is real small, too, but a lot of top-notch musicians have eventually gone on to form some really successful acts in the last couple of years (San Fermin, Michael Blume, Marian Hill, and Goldwash, more recently). I ran production for our college record label, so I have a million favorites.

(Cole) I’m from Ventura, CA and we have an incredible songwriter scene. Shane Alexander comes to mind first– he’s a brilliant writer.

Which artist do you think is too underrated and which one is overrated? 

(Cole) I dunno about “underrated”, but my favorite sort-of little-known band right now is PREP. They’re gonna blow up, for sure. Overrated..not sure.

If you could be one artist for a day, who would that be?

(Cole) Jacob Reske.
(Jacob) Diana Ross. If we were did this on the same day, Cole would also be Diana Ross by the transitive property.


What’s the best song to make love to? (…to ask someone out?)

(Jacob) Haha, my bandmate from another group I’m in (a.squared) and I have strong opinions about this question. He is convinced that that the Tristan prelude is the ultimate makeout song. For a lot of (in his opinion) excellent reasons. One of which is length. Haha, you should ask him. I don’t buy it. Honestly though Tinashe has been on my playlist forever. Dear reader, if you also have Tinashe on your playlist… we should make out.

(Cole) James Blake. And yes already used it.
(Jacob) This has happened I’ve heard.

What’s the most beautiful lyric you’ve ever heard?

(Cole) First thing that comes to mind this morning is “Someway, baby, it’s part of me, apart from me” from Holocene by Bon Iver. Makes me think about people and places that I miss, and it just flows beautifully.

At which place would you love to play a concert?

(Cole) This is crazy, but I’ve always dreamt of playing Red Rocks. I’ve always loved jam bands (Umphrey’s McGee in particular). The crowd there is incredible and I love the high country.

Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Interested? You can find Opia here:

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