
Raketkanon houdt het na tien jaar voor bekeken!

Dit nieuws zal voor velen als een mokerslag binnenkomen: Raketkanon houdt het voor bekeken en gaat op 27 februari 2020 ter ziele. Tien jaar lang bestond de band ondertussen al en dat ze geliefd zijn en waren bewees hun uitverkochte clubtour onlangs nog. Niet alleen in België was de eigenzinnige hardrockband uit Gent zeer geliefd, ook buiten onze landgrenzen konden ze rekenen op een trouwe fanbase. Na drie albums nemen ze nu afscheid van ons en dat doet de band rond Pieter-Paul Devos met een Europese clubtour met een allerlaatste show op 27 februari in de Vooruit in Gent. We gaan ze missen, en met ons ongetwijfeld nog vele anderen.

Lees hier het statement van het viertal:

The past ten years have been beyond any expectations we would have dared to even dream.

We found a way of creating something in a way that felt unique to the four of us, with an ever growing group of likeminded fans and friends by our side from all over the world. Those people who went along on our ride – be it in the sweaty and ecstatic crowd of a live show or in a bedroom in front of a laptop – we owe a lot of gratitude.

Assessing that ride we had, we find ourselves arriving at the end. We have made three albums we’re all very proud of, went to the most beautiful places, met the most heartwarming people, and now feel like we have succeeded in artistically expressing ourselves sufficiently in this capacity. (Which is arguably the primary reason to make music in the first place)

To all the people who showed us their love, worked with us, introduced us to their friends, bought our albums, stole our albums, carried us over their heads, showed us their sincerity. To everyone who helped us out when we were lost – geographically or otherwise, everyone who sang along to our non-existent lyrics, everyone who can acknowledge that there can be no competition in artistic expression; it would not have been the same without you.

You have enriched our lives.

So this is where Raketkanon ends. We will do one more club tour between now and February 2020, and are working on a couple of festivals in 2020 which will be announced as soon as possible.

All four of us will continue making music. We are ending this project in peace and love among and for each other, and wish you nothing but exactly that.

Thank you,


Pieter De Wilde
Lode Vlaeminck
Jef Verbeeck
Pieter-Paul Devos

Raketkanon speelt volgende week nog op Leffingeleuren, maar hun afscheidstour zal hen ook naar de Ancienne Belgique te Brussel (22/02) en de Vooruit te Gent brengen (27/02).

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